School Bus Driver Jobs MN Salary – Charter Bus – Northstar Bus Lines

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Encouraging Proper Sanitation on the Bus

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, parents, school administrators, and bus drivers may have concerns about the cleanliness of the buses children take to school each day. We all care about the safety of our future generations, so it’s a great time to talk about ways to encourage proper sanitation on the bus.

At Northstar Bus Linescomfortable rides have always been our priority, and part of ensuring rider comfort is with cleanliness. Clean buses:

  • Help stop the spread of disease. Of course, children are liable to come home from school now and again with a tiny cough, a sore throat, or a 24-hour stomach bug. Any gathering of large people is bound to encourage the spread of germs. However, we at Northstar Bus Lines believe it our duty to do our part in stopping the spread of harmful pathogens. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of our busses helps make sure that your students stay healthy, reducing the amount of school they miss and thus setting the stage for a brighter, more educated future.

  • Ensure student comfort. We’ve all taken public transportation and met with some degree of an unfortunate mess. Gross! It can make your stomach churn for the rest of the ride. That’s not a feeling anyone wants students to deal with before or after their strenuous school days; They must be set up for success. At Northstar, our commitment to clean busses helps kids start their days on the right foot. Children can quietly socialize or nap in comfort instead of focusing on unpleasant surroundings.

  • Generate a positive feeling towards school. If your student transportation services don’t make your school look good, school administration is actively investing in something that makes that school look bad. There’s simply no other way to put it. Clean buses like ours at Northstar send the message to students that you care about their future and wellbeing. There are few other more effective ways to show this than by ensuring your student transportation services do the same.

Whether you realize it or not, a clean bus has a positive impact on the quality of students’ days, pandemic or no pandemic. Keep reading to learn how we keep our buses clean at all times.

How We Keep Our Buses Clean

Just like in every other aspect of our school bus services, we go above and beyond to bring your students the very best in transportation. When we clean, we do it with the satisfaction of both you and your students in mind.

  • We regularly clean our buses. Any homeowner knows that grime can build up in the strangest of places, and this idea also applies to school busses. By nature, children aren’t the cleanest individuals. From the dirt on their shoes to the haphazard snack wrappers falling out of their backpacks, one kid is a big mess waiting to happen. Get a group together, and it practically guarantees some form of disaster.

Maintaining higher-than-average levels of cleanliness on buses is a necessity, and Northstar Bus Lines is committed to this. We’re a quality provider of school bus services in every sense of the word, and practicing sanitary behavior in the form of regular bus cleanings is just one way we strive to bring quality to you.

  • We enforce sanitation procedures among our passengers. Of course, we don’t mean they do any cleaning! As a provider of school bus services, we believe that not just our company, but every student we serve, has a responsibility to do their part in keeping their surroundings clean. One way we facilitate this is by providing clear rules and expectations about cleanliness to those who ride our buses. Wrappers and tissues, for example, belong in the trash can, not on the floor. No matter how young children are, they’re always able to practice the same cleanliness habits that they do at school and at home.

  • We make it possible for our drivers to take paid sick time. You should never have to work when you are sick, especially if that work involves children. Through paid time off, we make sure that money is never a problem if our drivers must make the responsible choice and stay home due to circumstances beyond their control.

For the Cleanest of the Clean, Northstar Bus Lines is the Only Way to Go

Our Maple Grove terminal would be happy to bring clean and cheerful bus services to your district. Give us a call now at 763-425-2542.