Can You Have Another Job While Working in School Bus Services?

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As a result of today’s economy, a growing number of people are splitting their time between two jobs to make ends meet. Alongside the obvious time conflicts this can provoke, it also means that scheduling your shifts can become a nightmare. When two employers both need you in at the same time, you can only please one – which means many workers live in constant fear of losing one job or the other.

We don’t blame you for looking for a way out of this, and at Northstar Bus Lines, we’re happy to provide it. Our company is a perfect fit for those working multiple jobs. We strive to provide you with shifts that fit your schedule, as we understand your value as a uniquely skilled employee – even if you don’t know how to become a bus driver yet! We provide paid training so anyone can learn how to get their class B CDL and work for us, a provider of student transportation services and group transportation services. Almost anyone with a passion for helping others and a desire to learn can become one of our bus drivers.

However, even after reading that, you might still wonder if any company at all can adequately address your specific scheduling needs, or if you could mentally handle working two jobs. Maybe you’re worried about what it could do for your social life or that you won’t receive adequate compensation for your employment if you only work part-time.

It’s time to put your worries aside! At Northstar Bus Lines, we take specific steps to make our employment opportunities both viable and attractive to all sorts of employees. Let’s take a closer look at what our company does to address the specific employment needs of those who work multiple jobs.

Work for an Employee-Focused Company like Northstar Bus Lines

To answer the question posed in this blog’s title: Yes, you can hold another job while working for a school bus contractor – provided that contractor is Northstar Bus Lines of Maple Grove.

When you enter the working world and begin to juggle two jobs, it can sometimes feel like nobody has your back. Unsympathetic bosses, a cold company culture, and the constant worry of never being enough for any of your employers – it can all make you feel quite demoralized and jaded. 

That line of thinking will quickly become history when you sign on with Northstar Bus Lines. Our company has long worked hard to show our workers they are valued and appreciated, no matter how many or how few hours they put in with us. Yes, this includes those who hold other jobs outside of bus driving!

  • We work with you to determine a schedule. We understand how hard it can be to find two jobs that synergize when it comes to time concerns. That’s why we strive to provide you with hours that work for you. Bring up your scheduling concerns ahead of time, and we’ll do the best we can to make it work. Your skills and experience as a bus driver are both important to us. We act as your partner, not your adversary, when it comes to scheduling.

  • We welcome new bus drivers. We place a strong emphasis on connected company culture, and unlike certain other employers, we actually have the actions to back it up. Our periodic employee barbeques and seasonal celebrations foster a sort of comradery rarely found in other places of employment, and our dispatch team is as responsive as they come. You’re sure to find friends at Northstar, and to feel both accepted and valued as an employee. Just take a look at our employee testimonials and see for yourself.

  • We offer a sign-on bonus, paid training, and other benefits. We understand part-time workers for other companies often aren’t treated the best, financially speaking. We’re here to change that. Sign on with us, and you’ll receive a large bonus, as well as the possibility for paid time off. We also provide weekly paychecks to make your budgeting easy.

Seeking Understanding, Empathetic Employment? Northstar Bus Lines is Now Hiring

Our local company has served Minnesotan families for decades. We’d love to serve you too. We’re a Maple Grove school bus contractor currently seeking service-minded individuals. Experience what it’s like to work for a truly caring employer and give us a call now at 763-425-2542.